Ovarian senescence is the buzz in the menoverse at the moment. Let me explain what that is: senescence is the natural aging process and eventual shut down of the tissue, in this case – ovary function. When ovarian function is preserved in women, many other biological processes are maintained ie. muscle health, bones, heart and brain health.In fewer words: can we delay menopause to preserve youth? It’s an interesting topic and one that elicits a strong response from most. My initial reaction was – “thank you, no. I am done having a period!”, and I bet you might have had that same response. While you might not wish to maintain fertility into your 50’s and beyond, what if we were to take what science is teaching us and use it for our healthspan, for healthy extension of life? For the first time in history, seems we have options.
A recent paper showed this about a well established medication typically used for elevated blood sugar and diabetics: “We discovered that metformin treatment prevented age-associated ovarian fibrosis by modulating the proportion of fibroblasts, myofibroblasts, and immune cells.” In other words, there are medications already in use that might assist in maintaining healthy tissues to preserve quality of life and health. Additionally, the controversial yet helpful class of blood sugar management and weight loss medications like Ozempic and Mounjaro are also showing promise to help us alive longer and healthier. We are able to access new tools of anti-aging if we keep open minded and watch where the science takes us.