Past age 40, there’s a cruel tradeoff that seems to occur.
As we enter the decades of life where our wisdom and priorities finally reach their maturity, our health starts to make life harder for us.
We might want to enjoy a long hike through beautiful nature more than ever, but our stamina and joints may not want to cooperate anymore.
We might want to value fitness more, but our body starts taking days to recover from one workout.
Everything our minds finally appreciate- from helping our community and loved ones, to applying well-honed talents in our career, suddenly has to battle our energy levels that didn’t use to hold us back.
A big reason that our 40’s, 50’s and beyond introduce all these negative aspects of aging into our lives, is senescent cell accumulation.
How Senescent Cell Accumulation Ages Us
Every day, billions of your cells die (and billions more are created).
When we’re young, this process of your body eliminating old cells and replacing them with young cells, occurs at nearly the same rate through a process called apoptosis.
But past age 30, our bodies begin to eliminate our old cells less easily.
They tend to linger around, long after their useful function, wasting our energy and nutrition, without providing any health benefits in return. This “lingering” quality to old senescent cells, is why they’re also nicknamed “zombie cells”.
We want them gone to make room for younger, healthier cells, but they just hang out; almost like a house plant with some old yellow leaves on it that need pruned off to make room for young, green leaves to grow.
And in time, with more and more senescent cells accumulating in us past age 30, our tissue repair and maintenance can become less efficient, introducing all sorts of common aging symptoms such as:
- More joint discomfort.
- Slower workout recoveries.
- Less physical and mental energy.
- Or simply put, we start “feeling old”.
A Groundbreaking Discovery In 2015 Changed Everything
For decades, nutritional science could offer no solutions for helping our bodies naturally eliminate senescent cells so we can age better.
But in 2015, two of America’s top research institutions (Mayo Clinic and Scripps Research) discovered a class of plant-derived compounds that actually promote our body’s ability to eliminate senescent cells.*
And in the last decade, more and more of these plant-derived compounds have been identified, and in some cases, even standardized to ensure potency, such as:
- Fisetin: This flavonoid, found in fruits like strawberries and persimmons, has been shown to support the body’s ability to clear senescent cells.*
- Piperlongumine: Derived from the long pepper plant, this compound helps the body eliminate damaged cells, supporting both immune health and cellular function.*
- Quercefit®: A highly bioavailable form of quercetin, Quercefit® is absorbed much more efficiently than regular quercetin, making it incredibly effective at helping the body clear stressed cells and supporting healthy cellular behavior.*
- Senactiv®: A combination of notoginseng root and chestnut rose fruit, Senactiv® promotes muscle health, enhances recovery, and helps the body clear senescent cells from muscle tissue specifically.*
This class of zombie cell slaying ingredients are now commonly referred to as “senolytics”.
The word senolytic in latin literally translates to “destroy the old” (as in old senescent cells).
So problem solved, right?
Not so fast.
Unfortunately, zombie cells earned their nickname for a reason. They are stubborn in their refusal to die off and make room for young healthy cells.
So you can’t just take a random senolytic ingredient in a random dose, by itself, and make much of a difference in your senescent cell load.
You need to take these ingredients in combination with each other (because they each function in different ways to help the body eliminate senescent cells), and you need dosages that are sufficient to actually help eliminate them.*
My Nutritional Pick For (Actually) Slaying Your Zombie Cells
For the reasons stated above, one clinically tested health formula that actually gets zombie cell slaying right, is Qualia Senolytic.*†
Two things make Qualia Senolytic stand out: how comprehensive it is, and, how simple it is to take.
Qualia Senolytic combines *nine* plant-based, non-GMO, gluten-free ingredients (including all the ones mentioned above) into one formula, that work in concert with each other to help disrupt all the various ways zombie cells linger on.*
And here’s the kicker…you only have to take Qualia Senolytic two days a month!
There’s no point in buying a supplement or formula too complicated or time-consuming for you to actually use as intended, but two days a month?!?! Anyone can manage that!
And in my experience, the difference it makes can be noticed in as little as a month or two. When you start doing something about senescent cell accumulation? It truly feels like the youthful vitality of your body is reignited.*†
You’re essentially reinvigorating a hallmark of youthfulness when your body is better equipped to clear out zombie cells as it should. And the health benefits of doing so are immeasurable, from lifestyle, to mindset, to actually feeling like you can apply decades worth of wisdom and clear priorities to your daily life, without being hindered by the lower energy, uncooperative joints, and feeling too old to truly live life.*
How To Try Qualia Senolytic
If you’re ready to experience the benefits of senolytics for yourself, you can try Qualia Senolytic risk-free with a 100-day money-back guarantee.
Right now, there’s a chance to try it at 50% off through this link if you click here, and by using the code FIONA15 at checkout, you can get an additional 15% off your order!
The science is clear, the financial risk is none, and the rewards are real—so it’s well worth letting how your own body feels after a couple months, speak for itself.
The Bottom Line: Poor Aging Doesn’t Have to Define Your Future
Senolytics are being hailed as a revolutionary advancement in aging research. This is the first time we’ve had a way to nutritionally target one of the most fundamental hallmarks of aging.*
If you look at photos of people in their 60s from a century ago, it’s easy to see how much older they looked compared to people of the same age today. Advances in aging science are allowing us to age with grace—and now, with the help of senolytics, we can actively age better and experience vitality for decades.*
While clean diet, regular exercise, and quality sleep should be the staples of healthy aging, senolytics give us a new addition to our toolkit to help us age extremely well.*
By addressing aging at the cellular level, we can now extend youthful vitality in ways that previous generations could only dream of.*
The future is now when it comes to advanced nutritional tools to age better than past generations could have hoped for.
Start taking advantage of these tools now, and your future-you will thank you decades from now.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
†Disclaimer: This review represents the personal experience and opinions of the author, and is not a guarantee, promise, or reflection of other users’ results. The author was provided [free product/compensation] in exchange for this endorsement.